A Little More About Us

Daisy Chain Montessori and Child Care centres are TUSLA registered. Our centres follow the TUSLA regulations and our past inspections are available to view in each centre. We are members of Early Childhood Ireland and have achieved the NCNA "Centre of Excellence" award. Our Terenure centre was chosen out of a huge amount of applicants to engage formally with the Siolta Quality Assurance Programme. Our Montessori classrooms are fully equipped and all our teachers have a minimum of QQI level 6 and we are members of St. Nicholas Montessori Teachers Association. All our staff hold Childcare qualifications. 

Wobbler Room

Foundation for education

Children that are over one years old are considered wobblers.

Our Wobbler rooms have an art/messy area, construction corner, home corner, dress up and sand and water play which feeds the child imagination and creativity. The daily routine in this room is more structured with activities suited to the age group. 

This period in an infant’s life is initially about developing their gross motor skills. It’s as though they are saying "now I have my legs. I'm off- goodbye!" 

This is a time for great discovery for your child and our carers will provide a special and secure environment that is interesting to explore. It is also the beginning of identity and language. 

Our carers will promote your child’s individuality and language skills through daily activities, weekly themes, songs, storytelling and creative art.

Toddler Room

Growing as an individual

The next stage for your child is the Toddler Room. This is for the age group two to three. As with the Wobbler Room there are different areas for the children to use their imagination i.e. home, dressing up area, shop, construction area, cosy corner and sand and water. 

At this stage their personality is developing and they want the world to know all about it! You know your child has reached this point as they say "Mine" "Give me" to just about anything! We look behind these words and ensure  that the children are given challenging and attainable goals.

At this stage of their development independence is so important "Help me to do it myself" (Maria Montessori) Our carers ensure the child's need for independence is met through all activities, small and large group work, individual work, arts and crafts and weekly jobs.

Montessori Room

Self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.

We at Daisy Chain are very proud of our Montessori Classrooms. Each classroom is fully equipped with Montessori materials and has fully trained Montessori teachers. 

The environment provided is carefully planned and suitably structured. The classroom is the child's environment and all the Montessori materials are displayed at child level. The child will grow and learn in a natural way to reach his/her full potential. 

The Montessori classroom provides an environment where children are encouraged to learn with other children at his/her own pace. When the child has completed his/her Montessori pre-school education, he/she will be well equipped to start Primary School with confidence. 

St. Nicholas Montessori Teachers Association also inspects our classrooms and we have a Montessori mentor who ensures all our classrooms and equipment are kept up to the highest standards.

Montessori Hours

9.00am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday 

The ECCE only Montessori is 9.00 – 12.00

Our Montessori schools coincide with our local primary schools from September to June, and operate on a 38 week basis. All our Montessori schools have been approved for the ECCE Scheme.

Aistear & Síolta

Growing as an individual

Support children’s learning with Aistear.

Young children learn in many different ways, through their senses, through observing life around them, through watching people who are important to them and through participating and having a go. Pre-schools now use Aistear to support young children’s learning. 

Aistear focuses on children from birth to six years old and it describes the learning that is important for babies, toddlers and young children. It helps us as parents and as pre-school practitioners to support children’s sense of wellbeing, identity and belonging, communicating and exploring and thinking. 

In helping children make the transition to pre-school we are helping them have a sense of wellbeing ( I am happy in this place ), identity (this is my pre-school ) and belonging ( I fit in here and feel easy with the new people in this place) .

Promote quality in early learning with Síolta .


Pre-school provides a great opportunity for children to learn and develop at an early stage and the quality of pre-school provision makes a real difference. 

Síolta is the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and it is designed to support the development and delivery of high quality services for children from birth to six years of age. Síolta is used by pre-school services to review and improve the ways in which they work with children and families. 

Síolta advises that in thinking about transitions, services should have an admission policy and should share information with parents. Services should meet and begin to build meaningful relationships with parents and children and encourage parents to settle their children in the best way possible. 

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